Yes. I am visiting my own blog after more than six months. In these months I have migrated from East of India to West just like birds do following their calls. I still really cant comprehend what my true calling is, nevertheless, here I am, trying to settle down in a new city, walking down new roads, discovering new book stores and new books. Its same me, at a different latitude and longitude, trying to tackle the same problems and realities, only the geographical location has changed but it feels great to live in a city nestled in the Sahyadri hills.
Unfortunately I had to spend first couple of weeks in different clinics but I am glad to have found trustworthy doctor who cured me of Vertigo and E.Coli and a nice dentist who walked into her clinic with flowers and smile and cured my dental agony (my agony was of course her ecstasy, for she charged me a lot like all modern dentists do). My son as always has been great support during this difficult phase. It feels great to be back at my keyboard and share my tales again.
There is this one book I would recommend highly today to all book worms- Other Colours by Orhan Pamuk. I felt so normal after reading these essays and my madness, my travel, my restlessness, my search for my space, dignity and inner peace doesn't seem to be all in vain. I know, I don't need to validate it all through others quotes and books, but, trust me my faith and belief both had deserted me and I am glad its all coming back. I can now trust absolute strangers and build a life here in this new city without old fears and paranoia. In this city, I have also met old relations and friends I didn't expect to meet and best part is ,I feel same after two decades, its like picking up old conversation. I am also visiting ancient archeological sites with my son. I am eating familiar traditional Maharashtra food after two decades and introducing different culture, language to my son. Its been mixed bag so far. I am waiting to get back my energy levels to climb some forts around here. Each city has something to offer to every weary traveler, for me its given me a fresh breath of air which i needed!